Trello Automation – Report of Trello Cards from Multiple Boards


I need to generate a daily report of all cards assigned to me that exist on a specific list in several boards. All my boards have the same structure so the naming of the lists is always the same.

The cards might remain in a column for several days, so I cannot rely on (for example) IFTTT since it fires only when new cards are added and I won't produce any useful event that could fire IFTTT's events.

I'm open to use any kind of web application, service, tool or script.

I'd like it to run without launching command line tools, as Shashank Agrawal proposes. It would be better to have it completely automated using web based stuff, such as Google Spreadsheets scripts.

Best Answer

We similarly have to create a weekly report from Trello Cards. So, I've written a simple Groovy script which makes my life easier. Basically, Trello provides a simple way of getting long time access token and then using that token, I'm getting all cards first and then its actions (like comments, movements etc) and dumping the required data as needed.