Trello – Make Board Read-Only Without Making It Public


I have a scenario where I would like one person (a Trello user) to be able to view a board and read the cards but not comment, vote or move cards.

I currently have the board belonging to an organisation. My "public user" is a member of the board but not the organisation. As such he can comment, vote and move cards.

It appears that if I make the board publicly viewable and remove my "public user" from the board, I could achieve what I want by setting the permissions for commenting and voting to "Organization Members" or "Member" but I can't find a way to have only selected Trello users view the board without allowing them to edit it.

Is this possible?

Best Answer

The way I found to do this, is by changing the Board permissions so that only members can make changes to the Board. People in the Organization can view the board, but they can't become members unless invited to the board.

This way I can invite people to the Organization, let them view the board, and still, they will not be authorized to change anything on the board, and can't join the board without my specific action.