Trello – How to obtain URLs for Trello lists


Anyone know how to link to a specific list in Trello?

By lists I refer to the columns within boards in which cards can be placed.

So I'm trying to get a link for 'Today's News List'. I've clicked around on the url and Windows app versions. enter image description here

Super bonus points if you know a Slack Trello app command to archive cards, and a command to ping what cards are in a list.

Best Answer

It's possible but not terribly pretty...

You need to create a link to a search that performs a board: filter and a list: filter. This will then show all the cards in that board/list.

For example, to create a URL that shows you the list "The First List" on board "My Board", the Trello markdown would be:

[The First List](

Note that Trello's search only works on boards you are a member of so you can't use this approach to filter a list from a public board.