Trello – How to prevent someone adding me to a board without the permission


How to prevent someone adding me to a board without my permission?
There is no 'report abuse' link in the email which informs me someone has added me to a group without my permission.

There are only links to more spam, and trello preferences. It is a genuine email from Trello, the spam link is what Trello provides (eg 6 ways to get more out of Trello etc etc etc)

Why does Trello allow this?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, Trello doesn't provide a option to prevent being added into a board.

But they have a "Report Abuse" thing:

  • Click on Trello profile in upper right hand corner
  • Click "Help"
  • Click "Send us a message"
  • Select from the topic dropdown "I need to report abusive behavior"

They should respond rather quickly.