Trello – Set Labels on All Cards in a List at Once


I have a board with several lists. Three of the lists are "big tasks", "medium tasks", and "small tasks".

I want to make all of the cards on each of these lists a particular color. That way, when I move any card from one of the lists to "doing today", I can see how many big, medium, and small tasks I've assigned, without having to label each card individually.

Is there a way to do this? Or some kind of workaround that would accomplish the same thing (e.g., a simple keyboard shortcut to assign a particular color label quickly, or another system that works better)?

Best Answer

I'm not aware that there is currently any way to apply a label to all cards in a list at the same time. There is a proposal on the Trello development board to implement multi-select to make bulk actions possible.

A quick way to individually assign labels is to hover your mouse over individual cards and press 0-9 to assign the associated labels. To see which labels are associate with which numbers, you can press l (lowercase L) while hovering over the card to bring up the full list of labels. The number for each label will be displayed in parentheses for each label.

Label Popup