How to Export and Backup Data from Trello


Is there a way to export my data from Trello to my own computer?

I'm happy to accept any file format, so long as the data is in a file-format that can be parsed, e.g. I'm comfortable with writing a script to extract the data.

(I always try, with any online data I create, to find a way to export a copy of the data, and I have a Sunday evening routine of doing data dumps, then local backups.)

Best Answer

With the release of the Data Export feature, you can now

  1. Go to your board
  2. Click the "Board Menu" button (on the right-hand-side of the screen)
  3. Select "Share, Print, and Export"
  4. Click "JSON"

This will download a copy of your board data.

Pro tips:

  • You can also just add .json (or /somename.json) to the end of a board or card URL, to get the prompt to save the downloaded file (e.g.
  • Alternatively, instead of clicking on the "JSON" button, you can right-click on it, and copy the URL
  • If you have lots of boards that you want to download regularly, you'll have to save all the JSON links somewhere for all your boards, and download each one individually.
  • Changing the names of all these individual files for each set of backups could get a little tedious, so one idea would be to create a new folder each time you backup your boards, and then save a set of exported files into that folder.