Trello – Is It Possible to Make a Card Divider?


I am trying to turn Trello to look like my whiteboard but I got stuck.

What I want to do is put 3 colleagues on a Trello board where each list will represent 1 colleague. Then I would add tasks via cards. Some tasks are ongoing and some are future ones and I would like to visually divide ongoing from future tasks.

Like this image:

enter image description here

Is this possible in Trello? To colourize the card fully, not just upper left corner.

Best Answer

I have 3 suggestions that may fit your needs in a slightly different way:

  1. Work with 6 columns: 3 colleagues x (ongoing + future)
  2. Define 2 users per colleague: one (say, A) for ongoing tasks and another (say, future_A) for the future tasks. Each user will have a different color dot.
  3. Add a virtual card to separate ongoing tasks (above this card) from future tasks (below the card). You can assign this task to a virtual person just to mark it with a different color.