Trello – ny way to send a Trello card to an outside user


Trello is about perfect for my basic organizational needs, but I can't come up with a solution on how to share card information with an outside user. I'm tracking questions/issues and when done I'd like to be able to send the results (without cutting and pasting) to an outside email. Any solution?

Best Answer

From the Trello help guide:

Organization admins can make the organizations visibility public or private. You can change the setting in the "Account" page. Private organizations will not show up on your profile when other people view it. They will also not show up in search results.

Organizations also have admins which have the ability to add / remove members, and edit the name and description. To add a member as an admin, click on their avatar in the member list on the profile, and select "Make Admin of Organization".

So it sounds like the only way to do this is to make your board public and share the link right now.