Trello – How to Move a List from One Board to Another


Is there a way to move a list from one Trello board to another?

I'm using Trello as a simple task-list system for development of an iOS product. I move my cards from "Todo" through "Working on" and finally to "Done". However, this process repeats itself for every release, so I would like to take the Done list and flush it out to another board, say "Past releases"

The list has a Move command, that that only moves it from one column to another in a given board. The same for cut and paste. It seems you can do this card-by-card, but that is not what I want.

I would have thought this would be easy, but I can't figure it out.

Best Answer

You can move the entire list to a different board. From the list’s Move command, you can choose the board you want it moved to. (In the second picture below, if you click on the board’s name, you get the list with all your boards.)

enter image description here

enter image description here