Trello – ny limit to the number of cards I can have on a board on Trello


Basically, I have a big project that involves 150+ individual stores. I will have a set checklist for each store and be moving the stores through various stages in my project.

Best Answer

If you use Chrome, you might use this add-on (Kanban WIP for Trello via the Chrome Web Store) to limit the number of cards. It doesn't block cards from being added when you go over the defined maximum, but it colors the cards.

A work-in-progress limit can be added to a Trello list by adding the limit to the list title in braces. If you name your list QA [5], this sets a work-in-progress limit of 5 items to the QA list. When the number of cards in the QA list exceeds 5, the list will be highlighted in red.