Trello – Recurring cards on a monthly basis in Trello


Is there a way to create recurring cards/tasks in Trello? This is the only thing that's preventing our organization from using Trello vs. Producteev.

Best Answer

You can do this for free with just a little extra effort.

We have a specific board where all the cards are "recurring". No need to create a card for every occurrence of a task, just re-use the same cards!

Our board has lists for Daily, Weekly, Monthly/Quarterly, Once and Completed/Retired task lists. Some cards have the day in the title (Tue: Clean Desk) as a reminder of when it should happen. We never copy cards for the next day/week, we just update the cards' activity and Due date.

When someone "completes" a task they simply change the Due Date and optionally enter an activity comment. It works great as soon as you figure out how to maintain it.

Example: We have one card that includes 5 steps (a checklist) to be completed during the week. As each checklist item is checked off, the card proceeds. The last item in the checklist is "Reset Card and Change Due Date". So if the Due date is Friday, Items 1 - 4 get checked during the week. When all items are complete we UNCHECK the check boxes and change the due date to the Next due date. Trello keeps track of these changes so you can always go back and see history in the activity comments.