Trello – Set up Trello notifications to email you when task or event is due


Can Trello notifications be used as task or event reminders? Can you use Trello for active scheduling?

As far as I can see you can enter the due date "due mm/dd/yy" but thats it! You have to look through your cards to notice what is due or overdue.

Best Answer

The Trello Glossary currently says, for Due Dates:

You can add or change a due date for a card by entering 'due mm/dd/[yy]yy' as a comment. A badge with the due date will appear on cards. A yellow badge means it's due tomorrow. A red badge means it's past due.

So, at least the overdue ones should stand out.

The Trello Development Board currently has several items relating to future improvements in Due dates.

Edit - 06/10/2011

I see that Trello have announced the implementation of Due Dates:

In Due Dates v1, you could add a due date to a card by making a comment that says something like "Due 2011-12-04"

In Due Dates v2 (which has now been implemented), you can add due dates using an "Add Due Date" button. You'll also be able to add a due time. You can also remove due dates, and the "Is this item due soon/past due" logic has been improved.

We'll add notifications for upcoming due dates in a future version (Due Dates v3)

This is due for release in the next day or two, according to their Twitter account.