Sign into Two Different Trello Accounts Simultaneously


Can I sign into two different user accounts on Trello at the same time using a single browser?

Clarification: I'd like to have them in two tabs on the same browser window.

Best Answer

If you use Chrome, you can create multiple personalities and use them side-by-side, each remembering its own login. I use this regularly for multiple Google and Microsoft cloud service logins.

Each personality has it's own set of history, cookies and credentials.

UPDATE: There is a Firefox plugin called Multifox that claims to allow multiple logins. Not tried it I'm afraid.

UPDATE2: Firefox has introduced a "Firefox Multi-Account Containers" capability via a plugin. However alternative containers are not included in the Firefox sync capability and it isn't clear how deep the isolation goes - cookies are mentioned but nothing else. Probably enough for Trello use though.