Trello – View summary of actions completed today in Trello


If I have a list of things I want to get done, it would be nice at the end of the day/week to go to a view that had everything completed that day/week.

In an example day, the following might happen

To Do    Doing    Done
-----    -----    ----
1-A   -> 1-A   -> 1-A
1-B   -> 1-B
2-A   -> 2-A   -> 2-A

And I'd like to be able to see that in a simple list or report. Obviously, this feature becomes much more useful when the cards moved are greater than just a few (say, 10-15).

Is there a way to accomplish this, even using some special query?

Best Answer

I know Trello does not have this built in, but if you're open to a 3rd party tool, I might recommend something like Zapier. How useful it would be depends on the level of granularity you desire in your summary.

Consider this Zap: Trello to StatsMix. You could monitor a specific list for new Cards, and update a counter inside StatsMix when that happens.

Trello to StatsMix

If you need more information or a different analytics tool, you might look at Leftronic. Or if want to see everything, use Google Spreadsheets and do raw counts.