Trello – way to add a member to a card on a board which he is not a member of


We have been using Trello quite extensively in my organisation, trying to reduce e-mail clutter.
We have several "team-specific" boards and a single "executive" board, where a few of us discusses other teams.

Is there a way for us to easily add a person to a card located in our board, even though the person is not a member of the "executive" board? The person should be able to see only this card, similarly as if we had an e-mail discussion and added another person to it?

This is becoming a significant obstacle to us, so any help would be appreciated!

Best Answer

At this point, only board members can be added to cards. Here's a link to a Trello Help Article on the topic.

If you're contemplating a workaround, you can try sharing links to cards within exclusive boards.


  • Create a card to track the discussion on the Executive Board

  • Create a new board with the members consisting of the Executives and the Team Member(s).

  • On the new board, add a card and assign the Team Member(s) and Executives

Now, either,

  • Link the card on this exclusive board to the card created in the first step.


  • Link the exclusive board to the card created in the first step.