Tumblr Theme HTML – Want Tags Below Post


So here's my problem. I got my hands on a premade Tumblr theme, but it didn't quite have everything I wanted, so I went to the web and found instructions piece-by-piece to add what I wanted. One thing that I wanted was my tags to show up beneath my post.

I originally put my HasTags block at the very end of the Posts block, but my tags for the entire page were showing up at the top of the page. After a little more research, I eventually put HasTags blocks at the end of every individual post-type block. This put my tags with my posts, but they mostly show up before captions and sources.

I would like the tags to show up below everything, like most other blogs.

            <div id="post" 
            <div id="background"></div>    

                  <a href="{Permalink}"><h3>{Title}</h3></a>
              <br> {block:HasTags}
       #<a class="tag" href="{TagURL}">{Tag}</a>

            <div id="photo">
                <a href="{Permalink}"><div id="gradient"></div></a>
                <div id="hover"><div id="background"></div>  
                  <a href="{Permalink}" class="N">{NoteCount}</a> 
                  <a href="{Permalink}" class="T">
                  <a href="{ReblogURL}" class="R">Reblog</a>  

                <div id="hover"><div id="background"></div>  
                  <div id="links">
                  <a href="{Permalink}" class="N">{NoteCount}</a><br />
                  <a href="{Permalink}" class="T">
                  <a href="{ReblogURL}" class="R">Reblog</a> 
                  <a href="{ReblogRootURL}" class="S">Source</a> 

                <a href="{Permalink}">
                <img src="{PhotoURL-500}"/></a>

                    <center><img src="{PhotoURL-HighRes}"/></center>   
           <br> {block:HasTags}
       #<a class="tag" href="{TagURL}">{Tag}</a>


                    <br> {block:HasTags}
       #<a class="tag" href="{TagURL}">{Tag}</a>

              <div id="quote">
              <div id="quote_symbol">,,</div>
              <a href="{Permalink}"><h3>{Quote}</h3></a>

                  <div class="source">{Source}</div>
              <br> {block:HasTags}
       #<a class="tag" href="{TagURL}">{Tag}</a>

              <a href="{URL}" class="link" {Target}><h3>
                  <div class="description">{Description}</div>
              <br> {block:HasTags}
       #<a class="tag" href="{TagURL}">{Tag}</a>

              <div id="audio_box">
              <a href="{Permalink}"><div id="gradient"></div></a>
              <div class="album{block:AlbumArt}art{/block:AlbumArt}">
              {block:IndexPage}<a href="{Permalink}">{/block:IndexPage}
              <img src="{AlbumArtURL}" />
              <div id="{postID}" class="audio 

              <ul class="artist_info">
              <div class="clear"></div>
              <br> {block:HasTags}
       #<a class="tag" href="{TagURL}">{Tag}</a>

                  <a href="{Permalink}"><h3>{Title}</h3></a>
              <ul id="chat">
                      <li class="{Alt} user_{UserNumber}">
                              <span class="label">{Label}</span>

              <br> {block:HasTags}
       #<a class="tag" href="{TagURL}">{Tag}</a>

           <div id="video">
           <br> {block:HasTags}
       #<a class="tag" href="{TagURL}">{Tag}</a>

          <div id="question">
              <img src="{AskerPortraitURL-64}" />
              <a href="{Permalink}" title="Got to Permalink page">
              <div class="clear"></div>
          <div id="answer">
              <div class="clear"></div>
          <br> {block:HasTags}
       #<a class="tag" href="{TagURL}">{Tag}</a>

                <div class="caption">{Caption}</div>

        </div><!-- end #post -->

            <div id="info">
            <div class="caption">
                <div id="background"></div> 

            <div class="info_list">
              <div id="background"></div> 
              <li>{DayOfMonthWithZero} {Month} {Year}</li>
              <li><a href="{ReblogRootURL}" target="_blank">
              <li><a href="{PhotoURL-HighRes}" target="_blank">
              <li><a href="{ExternalAudioURL}" target="_blank">

            <div class="notes_box">
                <div id="background"></div> 
                <div class="clear"></div>


Best Answer

As answered by OP

I figured it out! Yayyy! I deleted all of the HasTag blocks from the individual post blocks. Instead of adding the HasTags block just before {/block:Posts}, I threw it in just before the <!-- end #post --> inside the already existing </div>.

I also added an &nbsp because my tags weren't being spaced apart at all. So now I have the tags underneath the captions and the sources.

It was a lucky shot in the dark, but it worked!

Above is all of the different post blocks like this last one.