Outlook Web Access – Turn Off Emoticons


How can I (if can I) turn off changing text to emoticons, as I type the text, in Outlook Web Access?

This ten years old answer brings no solution, because it is entirely about standalone Outlook client not about OWA. Sending e-mails as a plain text is not an option for me; we are forced to use rich-text for e-mail signatures at my company.

I have disabled "Joyful animations", but it brought no change to emoticons:

enter image description here

Do I have any other option? Can I somehow get rid of that pesky yellow faces? Or becoming a dully, sad person and not using smiles (either textual or graphical) at all is the only way here?

Best Answer

I think you mean changing into emojis, not emoticons (which are plain text).

This also annoyed the hell out of me, and I spent too much time trying to fix it (I also found the 10 year old "answer" you link to).

However, I finally found the answer here. Basically, as you are typing, right when the text turns to emoji, hit the backspace key and it will revert to text. This is annoying to have to do/remember, but at least it gets the job done. In all my searches I have not found a way to generally turn of the conversion altogether.