Twitter – Approve or decline Twitter follower requests without protected tweets


Is it possible to approve or decline Twitter follower requests if I don't check "protect my tweets" checkbox in my Twitter's setting?

I currently have 233 follower requests, I just approved 2 people that I'm sure I know of. I need to open my tweets publicly, but it's just really really annoying if I directly get more than 10 followers every day that I don't prefer them to follow me, and then I must block them one by one.

Best Answer

You are missing an important point of what is the purpose of Twitter.
It's a micro-blog, the act of "tweeting" is by default by public.

So you can block users, but it cannot change the fact that they will still be able to see your tweets, while not logged in.<username>

is viewable by all and does not reach a privacy barrier in the same way as for example Facebook<username>

So the answer is no, the only proper way would be to protect your tweets.