Twitter – Are you notified when a tweet you retweeted is retweeted by someone else


If I retweet a tweet that has been retweetd by a user on Twitter I do not follow, will that user then get a notification saying that I have "Retweeted a tweet they retweeted"?

For example,

  1. Alice posts
  2. Bob retweets Alice
  3. Carlos retweets Bob's retweet of Alice's tweet

Does Bob get told or notified that Carlos retweeted a tweet Bob retweeted?

Best Answer

Yes, this happens. And you can be notified of it.

In Settings, there is an "Activity related to your Retweets" section. One of the options is:

  • My Retweets are retweeted

When it happens, in your Interactions section, you will see:

Person retweeted your Retweet

If you have email notifications set up, you will get an email along the lines of

Friend retweeted one of your Retweets!

Your name,
Your Retweet got retweeted!