Twitter – Fix ‘Confirm Email’ Message Not Disappearing


I've just created a Twitter account and on my home page I get a yellow message saying that I must still confirm my e-mail address.

I do have a message in my inbox but when I click the link it just says "already confirmed". The message mentioned earlier still won't go away. When I click the "resend confirmation mail" button, it says that there was an error re-sending.

What can I do to make it go away?

I've logged out and in again, no luck.

Best Answer

Twitter has a page listing things to try if you have trouble confirming your email address. Based on what you've already done, it sounds like you need to:

Wait a few days, then click the 'Resend confirmation' link in the yellow nag at the top of your Twitter home page again. We send the emails immediately when you create your account, but it is possible that your email provider was temporarily blocking emails from us or delivery was delayed.

If that still doesn't do it, they have a form to contact them for help.