Twitter – How to Fix ‘Confirm Email’ Message That Won’t Go Away


Two other people on this forum have asked this question and I have tried the advice given in both responses, but it still won't work for me. I've searched everywhere else online and cannot find any other information regarding this issue.

I am a new twitter user. After creating my account, a yellow message appears asking me to confirm my email address. I go to my email and hit the "confirm" button. Then my twitter opens in a new window and the message is still there. I've signed in and signed out, resent, tried again. Still there. I've cleared my browser history, tried different browsers, waited a few days, resent and hit the confirm email button after trying each of these things and still the message is there.

I sent a message to Twitter regarding the issue but it says that they don't respond to individual emails. I'm not sure what else to do or what I am doing wrong. Would greatly appreciate anyone's help on this.

Best Answer

From the Help Center:

I'm having trouble confirming my email address

Nothing is working. Help!

If you’ve tried resending the email and you are still having trouble, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  1. Are we sending it to the wrong email address? Double check your Account settings to make sure your email is entered accurately. See any typos? Do we have an old email on file? Make any necessary corrections and click save; we’ll send another email if you’ve updated the address.
  2. Try changing the email address to an email address with a large domain (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.). We tend to have more success delivering emails to those types of domains.
  3. Still need help? Contact us here.