Twitter confirm email will not work for me


I created an account for Twitter.
I got a Confirm email dialog.
I got the email and I confirmed.
I have now been through the resend confirm email cycle more than 100 times, and I have reached out to Twitter numerous times, probably more than 30 and every time, I get a Password Reset from them and go through the email confirm cycle and it never ends.
All the time i have this yellow dialog at the top of the screen that says to Confirm Me email.

I have tried to figure out how to contact twitter to figure out how to fix the problem but I feel like such a twit, I cannot seem to get through.

Best Answer

From the Help Center:

I'm having trouble confirming my email address

Nothing is working. Help!

If you’ve tried resending the email and you are still having trouble, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  1. Are we sending it to the wrong email address? Double check your Account settings to make sure your email is entered accurately. See any typos? Do we have an old email on file? Make any necessary corrections and click save; we’ll send another email if you’ve updated the address.
  2. Try changing the email address to an email address with a large domain (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.). We tend to have more success delivering emails to those types of domains.
  3. Still need help? Contact us here.

Just for try you can just change your email and try to verify new email address.