Twitter Social Graph – Discovering Indirect Shared Followers


On Twitter, given a list of followers, is there a way to see indirect shared followers and group them based on the number of followers that follow said Twitter user.

For example,

  • My Followers: Abe, Bob, Cathy, Dave, Ed
    • Abe Followers: a001, a002, a003
    • Bob Followers: a001, b001, b002
    • Cathy Followers: a001, b001, c001
    • Dave Followers: a001, b001, c001, d001
    • Ed Followers: a001, b001, c001, d001, e001

Results of indirect shared followers:

  • a001 = Abe, Bob, Cathy, Dave, Ed (count 5)
  • b001 = Bob, Cathy, Dave, Ed (count 4)
  • c001 = Cathy, Dave, Ed (count 3)
  • d001 = Dave, Ed (count 2)

Best Answer

It is possible but not through Twitter UI. The solution would need programming and maybe a directed graph to keep track of the connections.