Twitter – How to allow @replys to the tweets to show when tweet is expanded


For all other twitter users, when I click on their tweet, if anyone has replied to that specific tweet, it shows up underneath in an expanded window. For some reason, none of the responses to my tweets are doing the same even though if I check in the mentions tab, there are responses there.

Is there a setting or some application I must install to allow other users to see responses to my tweets if they click on my original tweet?

My user name is @Fobwashed . It looks as though the only tweets that appear in a conversation underneath the original tweet are the ones I actually reply to but this doesn't seem to be the case with anyone else.

Best Answer

If you've clicked on the "reply" link on twitter web, then twitter will understand that your reply is part of the conversation and will set an in_reply_to that links your reply to the tweet.

If you just enter @xyz this is my reply then the in_reply_to link is not maintained & it won't be part of the conversation