Twitter – How to Change Profile Text Color


How can one change the text color for one's profile such as in the popup in Twitter?

The text being displayed includes a few items like name and web site link.

Best Answer

You can change your profile's text color by changing the theme. To do so:

  • Click on your avatar image in the upper right corner of the screen
  • On the dropdown menu, click Profile
  • Click the Edit profile button (on the right side of the screen)
  • Click the Theme color button*
  • Select a preset color, or choose your own by typing in the value in the input box** and clicking on the check mark
  • Click the Save changes button (on the right side)

* Depending on your current theme, this button may be hard to spot because of its color. It is sandwiched between the Website and Birthday input boxes on the left side.

** If you don't see an input box, click the plus sign (+) after the colors to make it appear.

These instructions are assuming you're using Twitter in a web browser. Changing the text color from another Twitter client will be done differently.