Twitter – How to filter only “stories” from followed persons


I am following several persons on Twitter, so my screen (sorry I don't know the Twitter nomenclature) is cluttered by things those people say, which discourages using Twitter at all.

Today I received an e-mail from Twitter titled "Here is what's happening on Twitter". And below in this mail were two headings: Stories and Tweets. Both sections contained Tweets only from people I am following, but, the Stories section had the important Tweets, exactly what I would be interested in reading on Twitter. There were only a few of them. The Tweets section contained a lot of unimportant everyday Tweets, which I am not interested in.

This mail was useful because it made possible to just read the Stories from people I am following.

Question: is there a way inside Twitter to make a filter only for "Stories" from followed people?

Best Answer

According to the Twitter blog post on the emails:

Stories feature a design similar to the recently updated Discover tab, emphasizing who shared each story beneath summaries to help you decide which ones matter most to you.

So maybe the Discover tab has something like what you are after.