Twitter Retweets – How to Find Retweets of a Certain Account


On twitter, @Someone shared something interesting and I retweeted it. Some time passes, and now I want to read it again. Problem is, I tweeted and retweeted lots of other stuff, and also @someone also tweeted loads of different stuff. My retweets of said account should be countable though.

So I am interested in my retweets of @Someone's account. I tried twitter's advanced search but there doesn't seem to be that option. Did I miss the obvious or is there some other way I can search for my retweets of a certain account?

Best Answer

Currently (as of March 2019) this is what worked for me:

from:@someone filter:nativeretweets [KEYWORD(s)]

This shows all retweets of @someone (including the optional KEYWORD(s)). If you retweeted the same tweet you can use @yourtwittername instead of @someone.