Twitter – How to get the tweets from the personal Twitter account appear in the company’s Twitter account


I have set up both a personal Twitter account and a corporate Twitter account. I have my corporate Twitter account following my personal account. The idea is that I want everything I tweet to be shown on the "home" page of the corporate Twitter account.

I am using various platforms/applications (e.g., inkedIn, Posterous, etc.) to send tweets under my personal Twitter account. However, to my dismay, all of the tweets I have sent from another application, are not being shown on my followers page (i.e., my corporate Twitter account).

Is there any special setup that I have to do, so that when I tweet via another app (under my personal account), those tweets are picked up by people following me on Twitter (including my corporate account)?

Best Answer

One method would be to automatically retweet everything by the one account. A quick web search shows that there are multiple ways of accomplishing this. One way is using Yahoo! Pipes. (An example of how to do that: