Twitter – How to go on tweets from specific date or year without using third party app


There are two cases;

  1. When I scroll, it goes up to last 3-4 days.
  2. I follow @xyz and scroll all tweets of @xyz, it also goes to last
    3-4 days.

In both cases, I want tweets from a specific data or year.

Please let me know, how to find tweets like this?

I found a link How to find tweets from a specific date

The link says, use third party apps.
Can it be done without using third party app?

Best Answer

You can do a Twitter search that will give you exactly what you're looking for. The structure of the search query is as follows:

from:username since:yyyy-mm-dd until:yyyy-mm-dd

So, for example, if you wish to see tweets by @CNN between the 1st and 2nd of December 2020, your search query would look like this:

from:CNN since:2020-12-01 until:2020-12-02

You can see the results here...