Twitter – How to Open a Single Tweet in a Separate Tab


Currently if I want to open a tweet in a separate tab (usually so I can read the replies later), I have to:

  • Click the tweet

  • Go to the URL bar in my browser

  • Copy the URL

  • Open a new tab

  • Paste URL and enter

  • Go back to previous tab

  • Click the "back" arrow to get back to the feed

It'd be easier if there each tweet had an <a> tag I could middle-click with my mouse's scrollbar to open in a separate tab, but there is none.

Is there a faster way?

Best Answer

Easy one-click opening of a tweet in separate tab:

  1. Locate the date/time stamp of the desired tweet

enter image description here

  1. Click it with the scroll-wheel of your mouse

enter image description here