Twitter – How to see RTs in a Twitter list


Is there a way to show RTs in a Twitter list?

If I look at one of my lists on, then I only see tweets from the people actually on the list. Obviously, I see old-style RTs because the API doesn't distinguish them from tweets by the original user, but I don't see new-style RTs from those users.

Is there a setting on my account or on the list that will show RTs in the list?

Best Answer

I don't think it's possible to see the RTs in just a list you've made, but it is possible to see just RTs of people you follow.

So, on the new and old versions of the Twitter site, there's a Retweets option in the navigation. On the old site, it's on the right hand side under Favorites, and on the new version, it's a tab at the top. You can view RTs by you, by others, and your tweets that were RT'ed.

You can also find a Twitter client that you can make actual RT lists with, such as Tweetdeck.