Twitter – How to see who Retweeted the tweets


Twitter now has an 'activity' tab where the 'retweets' tab used to be. How can I find out which of my tweets have been retweeted, and by whom?

Best Answer

2016/05/29 UPDATE

Whilst there used to be a specific page dedicated to this "Retweeted of Mine" - this no longer exists.

The twitter help specifies:

Your Tweets that others have retweeted:

Go to Notifications in the top navigation bar. In the Notifications section you will see all activity concerning your Tweets — including which have recently been retweeted and by whom.

The Rewteeted of Mine page still exists for the moment but I believe the target you are looking for in the current interface is Twitter > Connect > Interactions as listed in the help center:

Go to Connect in the top navigation bar. In the Interactions section you will see all activity concerning your Tweets — including which have recently been retweeted and by whom.