Twitter API – How to Show Quote Tweets Only Using Advanced Search


I'd like to be able to see only quote tweets quoting my Tweets.
This is missing from the "Mentions Only" notification filter.

Seeing all notifications includes a lot of noise, like Retweets and Likes.

I'd like to see comments and quote tweets only.

Haven't figured out a way how to do get Quote Tweets only.

If I need a Twitter client or go through API that'd be ok, too!

Best Answer

I've figured it out at least for v2 of the Twitter API.

The following query works with Twurl, and should also work generally:

twurl /2/tweets/search/recent\?query\=""\ -is:retweet

So the query needs to contain the and the qualifier -is:retweet which suppresses pure retweets, causing only quote tweets of user USERNAME to be shown.