Twitter – How to Stop Bing Translations


I noticed during the last days that Twitter adds a “translation” from Bing Translate to tweets when I expand a tweet in the web interface. This happens even on my own tweets.

screenshot of poor translation example

Is there a way to turn the automatic translations off?

The translations are so bad, they aren’t even funny anymore.

What I have tried already

  • I searched in for a translation checkbox.
  • Switched the interface language from German to English (I post in both languages). This switches just the languages that get translated; it doesn’t stop the translations.
  • I checked for a Bing app or something similar.
  • Searched the Twitter support pages for “Bing”. No useful result.
  • Asked the German and the English Twitter accounts.
  • Sent a message to Twitter via the feedback form.

I might get a feedback from Twitter later. I will update this question then. But for now, I don’t see how to turn it off.

Best Answer

As suggested by @Zedinc, I have added the following rule to my user stylesheet:

    display: none !important;

This hides the “translations” completely.

The translations are loaded via an XHR (AJAX) request to

I blocked this URL, but for no obvious reasons my browser (Opera) still loads it. So the performance penalty is still there; I just don’t have to see it anymore.