Twitter – How to tag Twitter friends in Instagram


I've recently begun using Instagram as my primary photo app, but I've been having trouble tagging Twitter friends when I hit "Share Photo" > "Twitter" from within the app.

By default, Instagram autofills the Tweet field with whatever I've written for the photo caption. Very often, these captions include an "@ tag" or two — basically just Twitter handles that I remember from memory. Sometimes they are activated as Instagram user names, but very often they are not. No matter what, the name is fully written and prepended with an "@" within Instagram — What I see is what I get within the app.

But then when I share on Twitter, very often the "@" disappears. My friends aren't tagged when I tweet.

I understand this has something to do with Instagram's auto-detection of Instagram user names. But how can I ensure that What I see is What I get when I share an Instagram via Twitter?

Best Answer

You can't really, unless all your Instagram contacts also use the same handle on Twitter.

But if the people you're tagging on Instagram also have a linked Twitter account, even if it's a different name, the tweet will convert the usernames as necessary.

If the @mentioned user has connected Instagram to Twitter:

  • The user’s Instagram username will appear in the photo caption
  • The user’s Twitter username will appear in the tweet

If the @mentioned user has not connected Instagram to Twitter:

  • The user’s Instagram username will appear in the photo caption
  • The @ sign will be removed from the username when shared to Twitter

Instagram @mentions now translate to Twitter