Twitter – How to Throttle an Over-Talkative Person Without Unfollowing


In my stream of people I'm following usually one person tweets way more often than everyone else. How can I restrict the feed to show just a representative sample, or a maximum number of tweets per day?

I'm pretty sure it would take a 3rd party tool or application to do this.

Putting a babbler mouth on a list still results in a separate list with a blabber mouth.

I found Cadmus, which put the most important tweets at top, this seems to get at what I'm looking for.

Best Answer

Your best bet is to unfollow them but add them to a twitter list. That way you can just check the list periodically to see what they have to say.

Downside is that they may be offended if they see you've unfollowed them - I usually address this by putting them into a flattering list name - such as "Awesome people".

They won't be able to DM you if you unfollow, but other than that it's business as usual.