Twitter – How to turn off ‘like’ notifications on Twitter


On Twitter – I don't want notifications whenever someone likes my tweet, or likes tweets that I'm mentioned in.

However, I do want to be notified when someone replies to my tweets.

I want these settings to apply for what is known as the 'notifications timeline' in Twitter's terminology, ie notifications within the desktop browser application.

Is this possible to set up?

Best Answer

Disable "Liked" notifications for Web and Browser

  1. Log in to
  2. Navigate to Settings and select Web notifications.
  3. Clear the check box for Someone likes my Tweets.
  4. Click Save changes.

NOTE: Although the same can be done for notifications on mobile devices, there is no way to filter the Notifications timeline that specifically. You can only filter words or accounts from your Notifications timeline, according to the Twitter help page About the Notifications timeline (subheading Can I filter the notifications I receive?)