Twitter – How to Enable Two-Factor Authentication for Multiple Accounts on One Phone


I want to turn on two-factor authentication for the multiple Twitter accounts I manage. I want to enable Send login verification requests to the Twitter app.

However Twitter requires a unique cell phone is associated with each account before the the Send login verification requests to the Twitter app can be selected.

Not surprisingly I only have 1 cell phone. Is there way around the limitation?

Best Answer

You could work around this limitation by setting up additional SMS receiver services.

Update: As @Saeed points out, Twitter now lets you use a Time-based One Time Password (TOTP) authentication app like Google Authenticator, Authy, Duo Mobile, 1Password, etc. This is more secure and less hassle than SMS.

One app ought to be able to support multiple accounts on the same service. For instance, Google Authenticator shows the login name for each entry.