Twitter – My Tweets are not being received by the person concerned


When I specifically tweet to a person B or tweet a pic mentioning the person's Twitter id (@id) the person B is not receiving my tweets in his home page unless the person follows me. When I specifically tweet to a person, they should receive my tweets, right? Why does this issue occur? I checked by creating two Twitter accounts.

Best Answer

No, that is not how Twitter works.

If and only if a person is following you, then your Tweets will show up in his/her news feed.

If you put @id into a Tweet, then the person will only see if it:

  • The person is following you, or someone else they are following sees it and retweets,
  • The person looks at the Connect tab in his/her Twitter application.

If you want to guarantee that a person will see your Twitter-message, then use a Direct message - but you can only send these to your followers.