Twitter – Removing/Blocking access to the Twitter Profile from a 3rd Party


I am trying to clean my Google hits and I notice that a lot of them are Twitter services. Is there a way to block these services from making profiles for me on their site?

So far I am starting to revoke access to those connections I have authorized. But there are also other services that I have not given access.

  • twitlist
  • topsy
  • favorious
  • twistar
  • twimages
  • etc.

Would the only way be to set my profile to private?

Best Answer

I doubt you can do anything about most of these third party services, because they only create a profile out of what you have publicly provided on the internet in most cases. You can try complaining at these sites and request for a removal, but then that might open you up to more spam, perhaps? Revoking access would help only those legitimate app requests you have approved earlier.