Twitter – send an email that will reach a Twitter account


There is a new restaurant across town I want to make a reservation at, but they only have a Twitter account (no email or phone number listed). I don't use Twitter and don't want to make an account just to ask whether they take reservations. Does Twitter have some static email for each account that I can send an email message, and it will show up on their Twitter “homepage”?

I know nothing about Twitter and googled my question with no luck.

Best Answer

I very much doubt it:

You most probably don't want your message "Please make a reservation for Jane Doe, phone 123-4567" to show on their public twitter-feed for everyone to see.

Twitter's equivalent to email (private messaging) is Direct Messaging. However Twitter users can (only) "... send a message to anyone who follows [them]." This rule isn't stated in their help, but is shown when a Twitter user goes to the DM function.

And if you think about it - opening up a Twitter user's account to receive spam from unidentified phone numbers really wouldn't do good things for that person's sanity!