Twitter Advanced Search – Finding Retweets by a Single Account


I've been trying to find a way using Twitter Advanced Search to return retweets made by a certain user. I'm trying to use a 3rd party tool called Twools to pull just retweets using a search. I've tried using this query, but it doesn't seem to return any retweets.

from:username include:retweets

I'm not sure such a thing exists, but I'd love if there were something like

from:username onlyinclude:retweets

Is there any secret search syntax that might be usable?

Best Answer

As @AlexVong noted in the comments, you can find the new referential retweets by using:

from:username include:nativeretweets filter:nativeretweets


It seems like the syntax for showing all the retweets by a user is supposed to be:

from:username include:retweets filter:retweets

However, it seems all of this search syntax is broken in "modern" Twitter, where retweets are treated as a reference to the original tweet, rather than a separate "RT @originaluser stuff and things" tweet from the retweeter. filter:retweets picks up any tweet that happens to contain the word "RT" anywhere in the tweet but not actual retweets anymore.