Twitter – way to filter tweets


There is a certain young singer who I do not like but who is very popular on Twitter. Is there some way I can block tweets (aka make them invisible) so I don't have to look at his name anymore, and all the spam related to him? A Safari extension is also fine.

If this isn't already there I have to actually implement it myself. 🙁

Best Answer

There is an extension called Tweetfilter for Safari 5+

Options Available

The above image is from Google Chrome using Twitter's web client.
As an example I will try with the current trending Charlie Sheen.

So I match the following in the filter

  • Charlie
  • Sheen
  • CharlieSheen
  • @charliesheen

And the results that do not appear in my timeline.

Notice this will not work on your own tweets/searches/lists. I have not tried to check to see what happens if someone mentions you within a filtered tweet.