Twitter – What’s going on with Twitter following limit per day


Something strange is happening to different accounts I manage. Some accounts have the regular following limit of 1000 follows per day. But others let me follow up to 3000 follows per day sometimes. I can't find information about Twitter following limit which explains this. I believe Twitter still states it's 1000 per day for any account. Anyone has an explanation for this?

Best Answer

From Twitter Help Center:

Twitter's technical follow limits:

  1. Every account can follow 5,000 users total. Once you’ve followed 5,000 users, there are limits to the number of additional users you can follow. This number is different for each account and is based on your ratio of followers to following; this ratio is not published. Follow limits cannot be lifted by Twitter and everyone is subject to limits, even high profile and API accounts.
  2. Every Twitter account is technically unable to follow more than 1,000 users per day, in addition to the account-based limits above. Please note that this is just a technical limit to prevent egregious abuse from spam accounts.
  3. Accounts are also prohibited from aggressively following other users. Our Follow Limits and Best Practices Page has more information on Twitter’s following rules.

Twitter also says:

We don’t limit the number of followers you can have. However, we do monitor how aggressively users follow other users. We try to make sure that none of our limits restrain reasonable usage, and will not affect most Twitter users.

We monitor all accounts for aggressive following and follow churn (repeatedly following and unfollowing large numbers of other users). You can read more about these below, but if you don’t follow or unfollow hundreds of users in a single day, and you aren’t using automated methods of following users, you should be fine.