Twitter – When Twitter loads new tweets, how to know where the last viewed ones were


I've it always opened in a pinned tab in Firefox. When coming back, I see a message like "You've XX new tweets". Now, if that number exceeds e.g. 10 it's hard to remember exactly when it started filling in new tweets.

I.e. I see no visual indication that "from here on I just loaded new tweets for you".

I'm having trouble "keeping up" to not miss any tweets because it's just tough to remember every time where I exactly was.

Is there any help for that?

Best Answer

You can use the Favourite feature to mark the last tweet.

Favourite the last tweet first, then fetch the new tweets. Scroll down to the first favourite, unfavourite it, then start reading upwards.

enter image description here

I am not sure if the authors of the (un)favourited tweets are notified. You might be a little bit annoying in that case. :)

Unfortunately, selecting some text doesn’t work, because that’s cleared when you get new tweets.