Using Dropbox with multiple cameras


I have a problem with Dropbox Camera Upload: I have an iPad, an iPhone and a Samsung Galaxy Camera, all uploading photos to Dropbox. I would like to create different folders for each one of them: uploads from iPad, uploads from iPhone, uploads from Samsung, to divide the photos from each device. Is this possible?

Best Answer

tl;dr: no application has this feature but you can do it yourself (if you know how),

Those clients (be it Dropbox, Google or Facebook) just didn't implement this feature while it is technically possible.

You'll have to add a post-upload hook to read the info from the picture to categorize your uploads. These providers usually provides API to access your data to facilitate this, enabling services like

You can also do it locally use some scripting language Python/Ruby/Node.js to monitor Dropbox\Camera Uploads and do the categorization.