Using two arguments / triggers in an IFTTT recipe


I'd like to use two arguments / triggers in an IFTTT recipe. What I want to do is :

IF time is 08:00 AND weather is <15°


Turn on WeMo switch (which I have connected to the heater in my office, so it's warm in the morning).

Is it possible to do this using IFTTT? I can build the recipe using either TIME or WEATHER but can't seem to do both (in a similar way to how you would write && in a PHP 'if' block).

Best Answer

I ran into the same limitation and started developing a cloud application which allows you to exactly that. It's basically an extension for IFTTT with the capabilities to store variables and execute some basic logic. It's not as user-friendly as IFTTT, so it's good if you have a basic understanding of variables and so on.

Check it out at and let me know if it worked.