LinkedIn – How to View Business Page Without Login


I've created a LinkedIn business page as an administrator, but no one can see it without being logged in (login page redirect). I know that there are LinkedIn company pages that can be accessed without a LinkedIn account.

Am I missing something?

Best Answer

This only seems to happen with the new 'company-beta'

For example, this redirects to log in:

This does not:

You can use either, so just use the old way.


I've done the donkey work for you:

If the user is logged in, it will redirect to the new beta page. If not, it will continue to the old page. Open an incognito window and try it.

For anyone else wondering how to do this...

Open an incognito window and paste the URL, then remove '-beta'.

For example, your URL is:

Enter this in an incognito window:

It will redirect you to the URL with the company name in (as long as it exists, of course).