View MSDN pages in full screen width


Is there a way to see MSDN pages in an non-frames and non-panel way such that the full width of the screen is used for the actual content? (At large font sizes this is especially important.)

In the Classic view, "Printer Friendly Version" does what is required, but only if JavaScript is blocked from (otherwise it will open a printer dialog). Is there a universal way to achieve it, without the need to block JavaScript (or conversely, without the need to require JavaScript)?

An example of the printer view is AppDomain Class.

Update. Illustration of Mike's answer:

alt text

Best Answer

Similar to how the printer view is achieved, you can use the PDA view by putting (pda) at the end of the main url:

I don't think there is a way of setting this as a default so that it opens any MSDN pages this way though. Your best bet would be to use the lightweight view and collapse the tree.