Way to cancel LinkedIn “invitation e-mail” to the friends


I made the mistake of inviting some friends to LinkedIn .

The result is that LinkedIn will now re-send e-mails a few more times to remind them that they didn't register yet.

Is there a way to make it not do that after the first time the invitation was sent?

Best Answer

Have you tried the following?

  1. Choose Sent from the Inbox menu in the top navigation bar.
  2. Choose the Sent Invitations tab
  3. Open any of the pending "Invitation to connect on LinkedIn" messages you've sent to your friends.
  4. Click Withdraw (the button below the invitation, next to "Resend")

I'm not sure about it, but the "withdraw" option does seem promising. You can also "delete" sent invitations, but to me "withdraw" sounds more likely to do what you're after.